We are a dedicated group of researchers that are collecting evidence on cryptids with an emphasis on Bigfoot/Sasquatch. Our research area covers East Texas, Southeast Oklahoma and all of Louisiana.
Our mission is to obtain video, audio or physical/biological evidence of sufficient quality and quantity to compel the Scientific world to action on a serious effort to document the existence of an indigenous primate living in the United States commonly known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch. We are not attempting to harvest a specimen, if one needs to die to prove it exists we are willing to wait for it to do so via natural causes.
We encourage people whom are interested in this endevour to try some of our techniques that we are using to gain additional evidence if you feel that you live near an area of suspected Cryptid activity. While the evidence gathered may not stand as proof by itself we believe that a preponderance of good audio, hair samples, tracks, etc., will eventually reach a level where continuing to ignore the evidence will begin to be more embarassing than the appearance of interest from the Wildlife Biologists or Scientists. On this topic we are holding items that could be tested for DNA if there is anyone interested in putting together another multi-group try at getting DNA results.
If you have had an encounter with a bigfoot or have an encounter after reading this, we would advise to think twice about reporting it to the local authorities. You will likely be disappointed and surprised to find that they seem to be more invested in suppressing this information than they are in assisting you. If there were any injuries involved in the encounter they may call in the Federal agency with jurisdiction in these cases. If you ever wonder what happens if the Feds get involved listen to the Youtube video below titled Florida Mother kills Bigfoot an excellent show which exposes how they "clean up" after an incident. If you have seen one of these animals we would like to hear about it. Please click here to send us your sighting report.
The vocal above was recorded in Franklin Parrish, Louisiana in March 2024. We were contacted by the BFRO due to one of our members living close to this area to see if we could assist with some follow up after activity was reported in the area. The researcher placed audio recorders for several nights capturing the vocal we have provided here.
Click HERE to learn more about these recordings and to listen to more unidentified vocal recordings made over the last several years.
To listen to more recordings captured over the last two years, visit the Audio Recordings link in the menu at the top of the page.
Over the last year or so several of the team members have been checking out an area in Freestone County, Texas. The area has produced some interesting finds including
odd tree breaks, wood knocks, vocals and the pictured track was found and cast in November of 2019. The track is not that long about equal to
the authors size 12 foot. However, the width is way wider being about 5.5 inches at the ball. Only 3 toes registered in the print, there is some
debate as to why this is the case, some think it is due to the 2 smaller toes having been lost to this individual, which may be the case. It is
also possible that on this step the toes were held aloft or they could have rode up over some debris and thus not impressed into the dirt. The observered
toe splay is extreme and the three impressed toes are as wide as all five toes of the author. We believe that the toe splay demonstrates a foot that has not been constrained by
shoes during the subjects life. A human would be in need of special shoes to accomodate all 5 toes (assuming all are present) as well as the unusual width
of the foot in general. Several pictures have been provided below, the roots you see in the track were removed with pruning shears so that they did not become
part of the cast.
Over the last few years we have had some questions from fellow researchers regarding the microphones that we use with our
hanging digital voice recorders. Most want to know where we got them, how much they cost, etc. We were originally buying them off of Ebay
for anywhere from $10 to $25 dollars, some of these did a good job and others not so much. Eventually we decided to take one apart
so that we could see how they were wired with an aim toward perhaps trying our hand at building some ourselves. It turns out that building
them is cheaper than buying if you have the time and the need for more than 2 or 3 mics. After some trial and error with several brands of
microphone capsules we finally hit on a good combination of parts to produce quality field recordings. What follows are the part numbers
and step by step photos for building your own microphones that when done should cost around $5 each. You will need a soldering gun
(preferably with a fine tip), solder, small gauge wire, some heat shrink tubing (for water proofing) and some stereo/mono headphone
Click here to read the full article on building small field microphones for capturing wild life recordings and potentially some that are undocumented.
Most of the audio on this site
was recorded on manned trips where a group of researchers were camped within a mile or so of the device. Since we all have day jobs and
families to get back to our time that we can dedicate to being in the woods in person is limited to maybe one weekend a month. For a typical
researcher spending 14-21 days in the field per year is about all that most are able to invest away from their lives for this pursuit. This is
a hard limitation that impacts all research groups (with the possible exception of the Finding Bigfoot crew). What was needed was a device(s)
that can be deployed into an area and left for a week or possibly more at a time to gain more results with minimal time investment from the
researcher. Basically, we were looking to do the same with audio as one might with a game camera. What follows is one of our current setups
to attack this problem. Since audio is the cheapest and easist tool to determine if an area has activity we have been working on ways to
collect more of it without having to be in the woods ourselves. This can be accomplished through the use of Digital Voice recorders that have
the ability to address a large amount of memory (say 8 gigs or more) and the ability to program a timer so that you are targeting the hours
of most activity, say between 8PM to 6AM. An example of such would be the TASCAM DR-03... Click here to read more.
These are recording units that we developed
to leave in research areas overnight. We refer to them as "Drop Boxes" as the first ones that we used consisted of plastic refrigerator boxes,
which have since been replaced by the waterproof hanging platic containers that you see on this page, made by Ritz or Pelican. These are easier
to setup and are less conspicuous and take up less space in your backpack. The idea that led us to use these is that we felt like we needed a
wide area monitored for return vocals during call blasting. On any given night we may place up to a dozen of these arrayed throughout the research
area which allows for Bioacustical canvassing of an area of several square miles. Even though we are using large parabolic dishes we felt that
it might be beneficial to have a set of listening posts spread out over a large area in case we had something respond that was a good distance away,
say over 300yds. We spread these out over the target area with separations of distance being anywhere from 100yds to as much as a couple of miles. In
addition, since most of the time we terminate our operations between 1 and 3AM these will continue to monitor the area for the
remainder of the night for anything that would be out of the ordinary for the local fauna. As you will notice in the pictures....
Click here to read more.
As we state on our Walkup Recordings page, we have captured strange occurances of bipedal sounding walking numerous times over the past 12 years. In most cases we are in very remote locations (sometimes on personal property) with restricted disclosure and access to our location, making human presence highly unlikely as the source.
Initially this had been happening where no food bait had been left with the recording device, after several incidents we began to encourage close approaches to the recording stations by leaving various food items. These included Peanut Butter, Hot Dogs, Little Beef Smokies, Apples, Sardines, etc. We like the "Jif-On-The-Go" peanut butter cups, as these will typically be cleaned out and frequently (though not always) are left where they were found and consumed. We have recovered several of the cups for possible future DNA testing.
We don't suspect humans would be willing to ingest food items from an unknown source, off of random trees, in the middle of the night under any circumstance. In many cases the audio indicates whatever was there consumed the food items, so bottom line if the known fauna can't walk on two legs and you can't place humans at these random locations miles from any house then we should not be recording bipedal walking in remote areas. So what is it?
Recorded in North East Mississippi on 11-9-22 at 2:53AM
The most recent example recording of a bipedal approach is the file below. One of our members and his wife visited a state park in NE Mississippi. The park is in a very remote forested area and the Natchez Trace Parkway passes nearby as it slices through the state. Their stay in the park was to run from November 6th-11th, 2022. There was at least one well known Bigfoot sighting in the immediate area of the park so several nights of audio were recorded on this trip. One recorder was used at the cabin and the other was deployed in various selected locations in the park. Turns out that in the early morning of November 9th we had a visitor at 2:53AM in the morning. The recorder itself was taped to the tree at about 11 feet off the ground. He had baited this location with Nutella Hazelnut Spread to give the creatures something that was new and different to inspect, this seemed to work as the visit was 18 minutes long. We have 2 very good sequences of what sounds like bipedalism a nice long approach sequence and another when it vacates the area at the end and in the middle there are several heavy foot falls local to the recorder. This was placed well away from the general camping areas so humans are not considered to be the recorded subject and why would a human sample Nutella from a random tree at 2:53AM anyway.
Recorded in East Texas in the Neches River corridor on 5-4-08 at 3:36AM
This audio was recorded on private property back in 2008. The property covered about 2000 acres where the owner hosted deer hunts inside a high game fence, the area we concentrated on was the 300 acres or so that bordered the Neches river. The incident lasted 36 minutes and the entire visit can be heard on our Walkup page. What you will hear below is a condensed 3-4 minute edit of the most interesting aspects of the incident. The recording begins with hearing something approaching in the distance in what sounds like a bipedal gate, and in this case there is also a noticable cough from whatever is approaching. It is unclear if this creature was aware that something had been left by us earlier in the day or if it just happened to pass by and in doing so smelled the presence of peanut butter in the area. In any case the creature walks right up to the recording station and begins consuming the peanut butter which had been smeared into the bark of a pine tree. While in this process it gets choked up and coughs giving the listener a close range chance to hear the raspy nature of its voice and the process it uses to clear its air way.
Recorded in East Texas in the Neches River corridor on 5-19-07 at 9:39PM
This recording was made about 2.5 miles west of the Neches River, on property that is used as part of a hunting lease. A recent clear-cut gave us a great vista to the West with the closest wood line being about 300 yards away at the bottom
of the hill. We put out 4 drop boxes this night, 3 along the wood line to our west and one up on a hill side to our back (East).
This recording starts at approx. 21:38 hours, the recording starts several minutes after we noticed movement close to the microphone,
it gradually moved closer, until finally it starts a direct bipedal approach on the box and walks right up. The creature spends
several minutes checking out the box and then moves closer to start sniffing the recorder setup. Could this be human? We doubt it,
for several reasons, there were no indications that there were any humans anywhere near us, as in parked cars, ATV noises, voices,
gun fire, heavy equipment, music. No nearby houses and no hunting season. Would a human sniff a plastic box with an obvious mic and
recorder inside? And finally, we had direct line of sight to this location, we feel that a human would have had to use some type of
illumination to navigate the area, we did not see any flashlights being used.
We understand that many consider tree structures to be "weak" evidence for the presence of a large hairy biped roaming North America, and while this may seem to be true there are also times where these represent a mystery onto itself. In the above photos are three separate oddities found in three different areas that we have researched. In our minds these have met our criteria of somehow being constructed as opposed to being "nature" produced. We feel there were simply too many "capabilites" required of nature to account for what was found.
The top row of pictures depict a Classic "X" formation, in the upper left photo the tree coming in from the right of the "X" has been broken about 2 feet off the ground and bent into the formation, while the tree coming in from the left of the photo is part of a deadfall but its stump is too far away from the formation to land in the location shown. Thus it had help in coming to rest between to 2 pine trees, there are limbs still intact on the trunk of the tree coming in from the left of photo that should have been sheared off if finding this location on its own as it passed between the pines.
The second row of photos depicts a full "Teepee construction", this incoporates 10-15 different trees in the formation. We are not aware of any specific weather phenomena that could/would reproduce this effect. All of these trees were deadfall from the surrounding forest but not from the specific location, their stumps were not found thus indicating that they were brought in from some distance away. Something or if you prefer someone with alot of time and desire to carry large tree trunks around brought these together and created a teepee for us to find.
In the bottom row we have a tree "Bough" type formation. This is where a tree has been bent over and held in place by another tree, or as in this case with a deadfall trunk used as a locking mechanism. This was found on private property and the owner had no idea that it existed until we brought it to their attention. Clearly this is not the work of weather or the happenstance of deadfall in the forest. If a large bipedal hominid does not create these then we have something else in the forest that can.